Volt Policies / Immigration


  • A fair, effective, and fast asylum system. Promotion of a common asylum system within the EU.

  • Establishment of a meaningful solidarity mechanism between member states and replacement of the Dublin model with a distribution mechanism among states. Further strengthening of resettlements to create safe pathways to the EU.

  • Registration of the qualifications and skills of all migrants. Education and training according to labor market needs. Attraction of foreign workforce through bilateral agreements with third countries.

  • Strengthening the social structures of all municipalities for effective local-level integration actions.

  • Effective returns in a humane and dignified manner, alongside reintegration actions that will contribute to the development of third countries.

  • Creation of a bicommunal committee for migration, not only to ensure cooperation between the two communities but also to provide expertise for harmonizing the Turkish Cypriot migration policy with the EU acquis.