Human Rights' Day

Today humanity celebrates the International Human Rights Day.

Dec 9, 2023

Today humanity celebrates World Human Rights Day On this day in 1948, following the disastrous World War 2, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Ecumenical Declaration of Human Rights.

A landmark day on which humanity proclaimed the unalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, color, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

As Nelson Mandela pointed out, denying human rights to anyone means denying human nature itself.

Human rights are not under the discretion of any government or person to grant them.

We have human rights simply because we are born human.

Today, in the midst of a great human crisis of values, with the rise of racism fuelled by far-right forces, apologists and admirers of fascism and Nazism who have bloodshed the world, we as Volts stand firm advocates for human rights and call on all our fellow citizens and our government to defend them firmly and daily.

Silence in the face of their violation, tolerance of hate and racism, has never benefited anyone, state or humanity!