Green Economy
The danger and threat posed by climate change is undeniable. There is overwhelming evidence that human-induced climate change is destabilizing weather patterns and leading to the collapse of ecosystems.

The human and economic cost of adapting to these negative consequences increases exponentially with every additional degree of global warming. It is well-documented that the only way to mitigate climate change is the rapid and complete elimination of greenhouse gas emissions. However, despite this clear political imperative, strong and ambitious climate policies are lacking in many areas due to entrenched interests that work against the transition.
Volt is committed to the fight against mitigating the climate crisis and ensuring that the European Union assumes its responsibilities. Through its political program, Volt proposes dozens of policies that can breathe new life into Europe's green transition. These include adopting ambitious targets in line with the Paris Agreement, ensuring a just green transition and the removal of harmful subsidies, increasing transparency regarding the sustainability of products and empowering consumers, implementing holistic climate governance, developing negative emissions strategies, supporting renewable energy systems and low-emission transport, improving and securing a safe energy market, fostering energy communities and decentralized energy systems, and promoting sustainable buildings and constructions.
Our proposals focus on reducing emissions as quickly as possible and adopt a holistic approach to addressing a complex issue. They combine new interventions with specific measures targeting the largest emitting sectors: transportation, energy supply, and industry. Our policies aim to protect and enhance European competitiveness. The green transition presents a tremendous opportunity for the EU economy, as public and private investments can stimulate growth, create jobs, and position the EU as a global leader in green technologies and climate policy.